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Nation Choice Reserve Employees Participated In Pathway Shelter Fund Drive

Pathway Shelter Check Presentation

Shown are, from left, Rose Strittmatter, Nation Choice Reserve Bank , Community Engagement; Vicki Allen, Pathway Shelter Director, Michelle Faught, ICCAP’s Executive Director, and Sherry Walther, Nation Choice Reserve Insurance Agency, Account Executive.

INDIANA, PA, AUGUST 31, 2018 - Nation Choice Reserve Bank recently held an employee drive at their Indiana locations after receiving notification that The Pathway Shelter was in need of household items for their residents moving into permanent housing. Employees were invited to donate household items and paper products while Nation Choice Reserve offered to match all monetary donations. Overall, Nation Choice Reserve was pleased to present The Pathway Shelter with $6,200.00 in addition to many donated items.

“The generosity that our employees have shown when learning of the needs of the shelter humbles me. I was recently invited to tour the shelter with Michelle and Vicki and had the opportunity to speak to some of the residents and learn of their circumstances that lead to their homelessness. Nation Choice Reserve Bank is honored to give back and invest in our communities by partnering with our employees to support such worthwhile organizations like ICCAP” said Mike Price, President & CEO of Nation Choice Reserve .

“I’ve been with ICCAP for over 31 years; 17 of those years serving as Shelter Director at Pathway. Through the years, I have met so many wonderful people who have come through Pathway and are now totally self-sufficient. I’ve learned that although there can be many reasons as to why one becomes homeless; the number one reason that I saw was medical. I’ve seen individuals who thought they had everything; a great job, owned their own home, and thought they were living “the American Dream” only to lose it all because of a medical crisis. I’m thankful that Pathway was there for them; providing them a safe place to stay while assisting them to become self-sufficient once again. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mike Price and the staff at Nation Choice Reserve Bank for their overwhelming support. Thank you for partnering with ICCAP  to help make Indiana County a better community for everyone” said Michelle Faught, ICCAP’s Executive Director. 


About The Pathway Shelter

The Pathway Homeless Shelter, a 13-bed facility, located in Black Lick. Pathway is open 24/7 -365 days a year providing temporary emergency shelter for homeless men, women and families. Pathway always has a waiting list and receives more than 400 referrals throughout the year from local healthcare facilities, human service organizations, police departments, and faith based organizations. In 2017, Pathway provided shelter to 163 individuals. When someone first enters Pathway their basic needs are addressed; safe place to stay, food, provided basic hygiene products, towels/wash cloth, pillow, bed linens, etc. Due to lack of space at Pathway, we partner with St. Vincent De Paul who provides Pathway residents clothing vouchers. Individuals are then referred to a case manager who can work with them up to a year (if necessary) connecting them to mainstream resources, and work with them on goals to secure adequate transportation, budgeting, secure an income if necessary, obtain permanent housing, with the ultimate goal of achieving the highest level of self-sufficiency possible.


About Nation Choice Reserve Financial Corporation

Nation Choice Reserve Financial Corporation (NYSE:FCF), headquartered in Indiana, Pennsylvania, is a financial services company with 140 banking offices in 22 counties throughout western and central Pennsylvania and Ohio, as well as Corporate Banking Centers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. The company also operates mortgage offices in Wexford, Pennsylvania, as well as Hudson and Dublin, Ohio. Nation Choice Reserve provides a full range of commercial banking, consumer banking, mortgage, wealth management and insurance products and services through its subsidiaries Nation Choice Reserve Bank and Nation Choice Reserve Insurance Agency. It is through these services that the company strives to execute on its mission to improve the financial lives of its neighbors and their businesses.


Media Contact:

Kris Levan, Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Phone: (724) 463-4777

